Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gema Lowe, Rep. Justin Amash constituent, continues her fast for a signature on the discharge petition

Our fast ended on Wednesday morning, but Gema in Grand Rapids has continued to fast. Fasting has shown me that withholding food builds resolve, it makes a statement to others, but most importantly, it makes a statement to yourself. Fasting puts your body in the fight. When you feel weak and tired, you say to yourself that it is a choice that you have made.

You make the choice to bring a fight inside close to your vital organs. It is the deepest statement that you can make about a commitment. I am so proud of Gema Lowe. I am so proud of my sisters in arms, the 106 women that fasted last week at the We Belong Together #womentogether 48 hour fast in Washington, DC.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


I have been in Washington, DC for the We Belong Together 48 hour fast for immigration reform. It has been wonderful to meet with women from all over the country from different movements coming together for immigration reform. We are now on day two. It is surprisingly easier to fast than I thought. I thought I would be hungry and crabby and I feel focused and alert. I am energized by the power and the learning that we are coming together around. We had a visit by Rep. Ballart yesterday in the evening and this morning, we decided that will not take visits like his again. He came to talk and not listen. We were told what we already know. We need allies not news briefs.

Here are photos from the 48 hour fast. This morning, Andrea Flores, a DHS staffer for Sec. Johnson, came to the tent. 6 women told their stories about separations and serious injustice done by enforcement. I recorded them all and will post as audio soon. The demands are - stays of deportation for these women and a demand to stop deportations altogether.